Learning Environment

Methodology-Pre-Primary/ Primary/Middle
A thematic approach is designed to stimulate the children through various inter-active sessions and activities. An extensive use of Smart Class and other technology aids to supplement classroom teaching. Project works in class calls for mass participation. An equal emphasis is laid on developing a strong sense of individuality. Field trips and excursions make learning fun. The use of newspaper articles, quizzes, crosswords and other learning tool enhancing general awareness is a regular feature. Lots of activity based exposure is given to open doors towards experiential learning.
The emphasis is on acquiring in-depth conceptual knowledge. The curriculum is research oriented and based on teamwork vis-a-vis discussions, group project work, discovery and exploration. Personality development, value education and coping with peer pressure are stressed upon at this stage. Students work in groups and make power point presentations on subject related topics. Students have complete access to the various laboratories and library resources, specially designed for them to explore and learn through hands on experience.
At the senior level, the emphasis is on innovative methods of teaching. For this, the three approaches applied are: Visualization technology tools and active learning. This approach is a win for both the students as well as teachers. Knowledge is organized and connected to concepts with a goal of mastery. This leads to a transfer of knowledge and a deeper long term understanding of what is taught. A widely managed classroom technology is applied to enhance the students learning experience. Active learning through peer instruction, discussion groups and collaborative problem solving are all a vital part of the learning process. At the senior level, we have offered three academic streams and various combinations of subjects to give the best options to students. We also provide for result oriented training by subject experts who target for total development and desired success.
Technology Integration
Interactive whiteboards are used in G.D. Goenka Gola Gokarannath Smart Classes as reinforcement for traditional whiteboards or flipcharts. They provide ways to show students anything which can be presented on a computer’s desktop (educational software, websites and others). In addition, interactive whiteboards allow teachers to record their instruction and post the material for review by students at later time This is a very effective instructional strategy for students who benefit from repletion, who need to see the material presented again, for students who are absent from school, for struggling learners, and for review for examinations.
We have specially designed ‘Concept’ and ‘Zion’ rooms that enable and encourage a holistic and artistic development among children by creating a conducive environment. These classes showcase the creativity of the child and occupy a place of pride in the school.
The core areas of campus are networked through secure Wi-Fi. This further connects all classes through internet to the world and opens doors to the global resources and learning.
The school connects online with the parents and students beyond its boundaries through ERP software thus breaking all geographical barriers and establishing a 24×7 communication Broadway.
School Circular
Coming soon
CBSE Circular
Coming soon